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Cegal becomes signatory member of United Nations Global Compact

Editorial staff
05/07/2021 |

Cegal strengthens focus on sustainability by joining the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative.

The United Nations Global Compact is a global movement with the mission to support companies that align their strategies and operations with the Global Compact 10 Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

In Norway, more than 250 companies are already part of the initiative, and the global community consists of more than 12.000 companies.

In 2020, Cegal has included Environmental, Social and Governance issues as an integral part of the strategy and business model and aligned key company targets with the goals Climate Action, Quality Education and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

Being a member of UN Global Compact Norway, Cegal can participate in international sustainability events and connect with other Norwegian companies focusing on collaboration and innovation. Read more on the Norwegian website here.

“I am very proud and happy that Cegal is now a member of UN Global Compact. We are aware of our responsibility and sustainability is an integral part of our business model and mission of shaping the digital future”, says Nina Fiskaaen, Chief Strategy Officer in Cegal.

Read more about Cegal’s sustainability strategy here.

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