Dictionary | Cegal


Written by Editorial staff | Feb 21, 2023 11:47:35 AM

What is Hyperautomation?  

Hyperautomation is the use of advanced technology such as AI (Artificial Intelligence), ML (Machine Learning) and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to automate and optimize tasks that were previously created by humans.  

RPA is one of the early automation technologies. It involves trying to mimic human tasks that are repetitive and triggering them on demand. RPA is tightly connected to a business process or a tedious task and is one of the tools that can be used in digitalization. To be able to use RPA efficiently data needs to be structured and RPA tools made available to business users so that it can reach the data.

With the recent advances in AI and ML there is potential in automating the generation of the automation itself. With the help of both automation and human work, companies can offer better customer experiences while reducing operational costs and instead gain increased profitability.

Will hyperautomation replace humans?

A typical RPA system has little knowledge about the business process it digitalizes. It requires lots of human involvement. Understanding of the workflow or process is key to achieving a correct result. By including AI/ML into the picture, we will be able to move to the next level and predict what automation to trigger and maybe suggest improvements in the automated workflow or brand-new automations. However, even with a hyperautomated system a company needs to have staff involved to monitor and QC the system. For staff this means more time to spend on cognitively challenging tasks and less on tedious repetitive tasks.  

Conversational AI (CAI) and Large Language Models (LLM) are changing the way we think about task automation. CAI implementations such as ChatGPT from OpenAI allow business users to inquire on how to optimize a specific task and generate the code or steps to perform the automation. Augmenting automation with CAI has the potential to transform the way we work. Auto-generating business apps, deployment of IT infrastructure in the public cloud, creation of integrations and improvement of customer experiences are just some of the areas where use of Conversational AI can trigger hyperautomated workflows.

Cegal and Hyperautomation

Cegal delivers optimized user experiences on client data. To be able to deliver productified IT and scalable services we rely on automation to improve quality and speed of our deliveries. Client advances in automation require data and systems to be made available to business users so that they can use automation with confidence. Cegal offers domain experts, RPA specialists, data scientists and developers that can assist clients in harnessing the full potential of automation in their companies.  

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