Dictionary | Cegal

Green Energy

Written by Cegal | Oct 12, 2023 6:04:47 AM
What is Green Energy? 

Green energy is a subset of renewable energy and represents the energy sources that have the least amount of environmental impact, meaning it produces little or no greenhouse gas emissions or pollution.  

The terms ‘green energy’ and ‘renewable energy’ are often used interchangeably, but there is one essential difference between them. While most green energy sources are also renewable, not all renewable energy sources are considered entirely green. For example, solar and wind energy are considered green energy, but biomass energy may not be if it involves burning wood or crops that release carbon dioxide. 

Green energy is important for the energy industry as a whole because it can help reduce the dependency on fossil fuels, which are finite, expensive, and contribute to climate change. Green energy can also provide economic, social, and environmental benefits, such as creating jobs, improving health, and protecting biodiversity. 

Green energy is a key component of the global efforts to achieve the Paris Agreement goals and to transition to a low-carbon and sustainable future.   

Cegal and Green Energy

Taking care of the environment is an issue we not only care about but also contribute to. We manage our environmental impact and contribute to a sustainable world based on the UN definition of sustainable development. 

For us, sustainability is absolutely essential in our vision of becoming a legendary company that employees love to work for and that customers want to work with. 

Find out more about Our three pillars and how we work with sustainability in Cegal here >

Click here to download the Cegal Sustainability Report 2023 >