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Test automation

Written by Editorial staff | Feb 28, 2022 2:08:38 PM
What is test automation?

Test automation is one of many techniques used behind the scenes when creating software. Test automation can take place on many levels, such as further down in software in the form of device tests, but they can also take the form of user interface testing (UI testing). It is important to identify what to automate, which should correspond with what is valuable for the customer.

UI test automation typically covers the most valuable scenarios first, and is then developed to represent more user scenarios. Once the test is stable, it can be performed automatically and will quickly alert the team as to whether or not the component concerned is ready to be passed on to development or for launch. Having tests which alert the team to the actual status for further development/launch helps to provide the foundation for good teamwork.

Test automation can cover thousands of scenarios in minutes, as opposed to manual testing, which often takes hours, days or even weeks.

Test automation is therefore an important tool in the process of delivering software of value – early and often.

Cegal and test automation

At Cegal, we have highly qualified and certified test consultants who have the knowledge and insight needed to enable the transition of testing from a manual approach to an automated approach for our customers. Cegal is a silver partner with ISTQB – International Software Testing Qualifications Board. Find out more about this here >