Dictionary | Cegal

Power Plant

Written by Editorial staff | Mar 7, 2022 9:09:08 AM
What is Power Plant?
A power plant is a plant which generates electrical energy. There are many different types of power plants, including hydropower plants, wave power plants, nuclear power plants, solar plants and gas-fired power plants.

As regards hydropower plants, the term ‘power plant’ may include one or more power plants where power is generated, together with regulation facilities such as dams, hatches, tunnels and pipelines. In turn, each power plant may have several generator units, which consist of a turbine plus generator.

The term ‘power plant’ is often also used as a term for an organization or power company which manages power generation. The terms power plant and power station are therefore used interchangeably to some extent, but the terms power company and power generator must not be confused with power supplier. A power supplier is a company you purchase power from, but it need not necessarily generate electricity itself.
Cegal and Power Plant

Cegal has developed an analysis solution for one of our power customers. This involved collecting historical data from multiple systems with differences in storage time, data format, timestamping, etc. in a central database, and making it available through a graphical interface, so that employees can easily search and compile data.

Analyses have also been performed of undesirable vibrations during the start-up of power plants, along with an assessment of improvements to the internal water management system. Review of hydropower plant functionality, and development of a component for the extraction and analysis of production segments (start-up, operation and shutdown of generation).